Presa's Tigua Youth Dancers and their teachers

Tigua brothers get ready to dance4th grade Tigua dancers dancing1st and 5th grade Tigua dancers making their way around the gym floorTigua adult drummer and  Presa's young Tigua boys stand next to the drummerPresa's 5th grader is the MC for the show with other fellow dancers behind himTigua youth dancers standing and waiting for their introductionTigua youth dancers dancing in the center of the gymYoung Tigua dancers dressing for the ceremonial Eagle danceYoung Tigua Eagle dancers dancingYoung Tigua Eagle dancers dancing in the middle of the gym floorYoung Tigua girl dancers dancingPresa school joins the Tigua dancers creating a large circle with an inner circle in the gymIn celebration of National Native American Heritage Month, Presa was honored with a visit from our Tigua Families. We are so fortunate to have been able to enjoy the traditional Tigua dances demonstrated by our own Presa Tigua students. Each year we look forward for them to share with us their amazing skills and beautiful traditions. Thank you to our Tigua community for making Presa special!